Category: News
Suore Paoline: 100 anni nei media per annunciare il Vangelo
Roberto Piermarini, di Radio Vaticana, ha chiesto a suor Anna Caiazza, consigliera generale delle Paoline, quale eredità ha lasciato alle Figlie di San Paolo suor Tecla Merlo.
Closing the FSP Centenary of Foundation
On 5 February 2016, the 52nd anniversary of the death of Venerable Sr. Thecla Merlo, a solemn Eucharist will be celebrated in the Queen of Apostles Basilica, Rome, to close the Centenary Year commemorating the foundation of the Daughters of St. Paul. Continue reading “Closing the FSP Centenary of Foundation”
International Course of Preparation for Perpetual Profession
The FSP International Course of Preparation for Perpetual Profession began on Friday, 15 January at Torvaianica, Italy and will conclude in May 2016. Continue reading “International Course of Preparation for Perpetual Profession”
FSP Centenary Concert
To celebrate the Institute’s Centenary of foundation, the Daughters of St. Paul of Singapore organ-ized aHeavenly Voices Praise Concert, held in the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succor, followed by another performance the following day in the Church of the Risen Christ. The international choir was made up of Daughters of St. Paul from Singapore, United Sates, Kenya and the Philippines. Continue reading “FSP Centenary Concert”
Second Edition of the “Book Bank”
After the success of last year’s Book Bank project (almost 6,000 books were collected and donated to the Federation of Parents of Children with Cancer), the FSP publishing house of Italy has organized a second edition of this event, to be implemented in all the Province’s Book and Media Centers from 4-20 December 2015. Continue reading “Second Edition of the “Book Bank””
Solemn Inauguration of the Thecla Merlo House
In the climate of our Centenary celebrations and also as part of their festivities for the Feast of Blessed James Alberione, the Daughters of St. Paul of Bogota inaugurated their new Thecla Merlo House, complete with a chapel dedicated to Mary, Queen of Apostles, and a spacious auditorium. Continue reading “Solemn Inauguration of the Thecla Merlo House”
The Queen of Apostles Arrives in Recife
A Centenary is always a very special event, but in the city of Recife, located in northeastern Brazil, this congregational milestone will remain an unforgettable experience because our FSP community there wanted to include the Blessed Mother in their celebrations. Continue reading “The Queen of Apostles Arrives in Recife”
Wake up the World! Women Consecrated for the New Evangelization
In the context of the Year of Consecrated Life, the FSPs of Italy recently held an encounter on the theme: Wake up the World! Women Consecrated for the New Evangelization. Continue reading “Wake up the World! Women Consecrated for the New Evangelization”
Celebrating Our Centenary of Foundation
On 31 October 2015, the Daughters of St. Paul of Johannesburg commemorated the Institute’s Centenary of foundation by means of a solemn Eucharistic Liturgy. Many priests, collaborators, employees, friends and book center clients joined them in celebrating this milestone. Continue reading “Celebrating Our Centenary of Foundation”