Category: News
Media Apostle: A Film To See, An Event To Live!
Centenary Celebrations in Madrid
The Eucharist was celebrated by Archbishop Carlos Osoro in the parish church that our sisters attend, which faces the book center. The church was filled to overflowing with more than 30 concelebrants, a host of representatives of the Pauline Family, members of other religious Institutes, Pauline collaborators and many friends. The Liturgy was solemnized by the singing of our official Centenary hymn, accompanied by the organ and trumpet.
The day ended with a festive get-together, brimming over with the joy generated by this shared experience of fraternity and communion.
A New CD for Our Centenary
The CD is ideal for prayer and meditation because it is filled with very meaningful songs, including Do Not Be Afraid, Magnificat, Heavenly Love for You and Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Lifeall sung with fervor and warmth by a choir of 8 young FSPs.
Our sisters hope that their latest apostolic initiative will prove to be a path to fraternity in a world yearning for peace.
Celebrating Our Centenary
Celebrating Our Centenary in Rio
Our sisters shared this joyful occasion with all the Rio, Madureira and Niteroi book center employees and their families, as well as a host of other collaborators, friends and acquaintances. They tell us it was a very meaningful moment of praise and gratitude to God for all that he has done in our 100-year history throughout the world, and in a special way in our 69 years of Pauline presence in Rio de Janeiro.
Centenary Initiative
The meeting took place on the extensive grounds of Yopougon Cathedral, near the Pauline book center. Over a thousand people participated in the event, seated under tents for protection against the strong equatorial sun. Guest speaker Fr. Richard Baawobr, M. Afr. (also known as the White Fathers because of their habit), spoke to the group about his pastoral activities in the Congo, Tanzania and Kenya.
He also presented his book, Sharing and Living the Gospel (Year B), which has been adopted as the basic text for sharing the Word of God in the CEB.
The encounter concluded with a book-signing session, a radio interview with Fr. Richard and a visit to the Pauline book center.