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The centenary year of the congregation with a Eucharistic celebration in the Philippines

In February 5, 2015 the Daughters of St. Paul in the Philippines celebrated the opening of the centenary year of the congregation with a Eucharistic celebration participated by members of the Pauline family, benefactors and friends. 
The holy Eucharist began with a solemn procession of the Vatican flag, the Italian flag, and the flags of the four nations comprising the province, i.e., Philippines, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea and Thailand. A bountiful feast followed the mass where food, fun and laughter were shared among brothers and sisters, and friends. 
Dio gracias!
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Celebrazione Eucaristica

Il 5 febbraio 2015, nel 51° anniversario della morte della ven. suor Tecla Merlo, cofondatrice delle Figlie di San Paolo, una solenne Celebrazione Eucaristica aprirà il Centenario di fondazione dell’Istituto.

L’Eucaristia sarà presieduta da S. Eminenza card. Agostino Vallini, Vicario generale per la Diocesi di Roma, presso la basilica S. Maria Regina degli Apostoli alla Montagnola, alle 18.00.


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