We are here, today as yesterday

Our being 100 years has made us experts in the communication of the Gospel, the only thing necessary. However, often even art is of great help. For this, on March 27 in the Parish of the Sacred Heart in Rome, the community of the Daughters of St. Paul of Via Castro Pretorio, wanted to celebrate the Centenary, by giving prominence to the story of the Passion and Resurrection of Christ, making use of words and music. The title of the show was, I was there, Reading theater and music of Michael Casella and with the special participation of Mariella Nava. Both artists have given a touch of genius and beauty, combined with lights and sounds that have created an evocative setting.
The large audience present followed in silent concentration, resulting in a long final applause.
Proclaimers of the good news on roads always new and different, but the same in substance, bringing the charity of truth to the whole person, made use of Facebook with the hashtag: #wearehere#todayasyesterday, thus preparing for the event beforehand, stimulating curiosity and interest and, at the same time, encouraging participation.
We have journeyed since 1915, adapting to cultural, social and technological changes that make the world a small village. But from the beginning, and even today, we safeguard communication more as a human fact than technological.
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