Celebrating Our Centenary

On 25 April 2015, Australia celebrated the centenary of ANZAC–the anniversary commemorating all the Australian and New Zealand military personnel who died during World War I. Our sisters chose this very moving and significant National Remembrance Day to celebrate not only the memory of these heroic soldiers but also the Institute’s Centenary of foundation, the 60th anniversary of our FSP presence in Australia and also the Golden Jubilee of religious profession of Sr. Bernadette Muscolino and Sr. Maria De Vitis.
Members of the Society of St. Paul, of the Pious Disciples and of the Good Shepherd Institute joined our sisters in a joyful Eucharistic Celebration in which everyone gave thanks to God for leaving the Pauline Family a wonderful heritage born out of the farsightedness and courage of James Alberione and the strength and wisdom of Thecla Merlo, who shared his vision and dream. It was she who inspired, guided and sent out the first Daughters of St. Paul to the four corners of the globe, ready to face–with Gospel in hand–the many challenges and risks awaiting them.
Besides praising God for the Congregation’s 100-year history, other touching moments during the Eucharistic Celebration were the sisters’ grateful remembrance of the many sacrifices of the first FSPs who arrived in Australia in 1955 and for their two pioneer Jubilarians.
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