Opening of the FSP Centenary in Alba

On 5 February the Centenary of Foundation of the Daughters of St. Paul opened with a simple and joyous Eucharistic Celebration in the Church of the Divine Master, Alba, Italy, the city of our origins. Special attention was given to the figure of Maestra Thecla, whom the Holy Spirit associated to Fr. Alberione in realizing the charism he transmitted to our Institute.
During the prayer intentions, many motives for praising and thanking God were expressed: the grace of belonging to the Pauline Family, the gift of Prima Maestra to the Congregation and the Pauline Family, our sisters and brothers of the “first hour” who believed the Founder and launched out on the Pauline journey, the countless people who accompanied us over the past 100 years, and the presence of many parishioners and friends, who joined us in praying that the Daughters of St. Paul would continue to believe, hope, love and proclaim Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life to the world.
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